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Jesus' First Playdate

"Jesus' First Playdate" by Stephanie Stovall

By Ailura (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons

The story of The Visitation is the gift that keeps on giving, especially for us women.

I’ve written before on this holy get-together, but the more you sit with those words, the more that the Spirit reveals.

Not surprisingly so, after all, it is the Living Word.

What strikes me the most about Mary’s visit to her cousin Elizabeth is the model of charity and service that is perfectly lived out by Our Lady.

But, this time around, it was the connection between the two little hearts inside those bellies that really tugged at my soul.

Play out the events of the Visitation in your thoughts like a movie … it is one of the most adorable scenes in the Bible.

Think of the two tiny babies connecting with each other, not body to body, but living soul to living soul.

Seeing baby St. John the Baptist “leap” inside of his mommy because he actually feels the presence of baby Jesus in Mary’s womb: wow.

I see the two little boys smiling during this moment.

Love radiating all around.

The presence of the Holy Trinity, right there.

How remarkable.

The Spirit is so present that it actually moves Mary to break into song in the following verses.

The #Visitation: 2 tiny babies connect, living soul to living soul.
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What a moment.

Four people, four souls, all connecting with each other.

The Holy Spirit moving within all of them, bringing them together, gifting each to the other for the sole purpose of glorifying God.

And we all know what happens when humans glorify God,

He turns right around and blesses us in the most unimaginable ways.

It’s what He does. It’s that love He has for us.

Isn’t the gift of life so precious and beautiful.

Can’t help but see the pro-life message in all of that.

Copyright 2017 Stephanie Stovall

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